Inisghtful material to introduce you to sustainable journalism.
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Climate Journalism that works

'News Report 2023: Climate Journalism that Works' provides insights and recommendations on how to report on climate change in a way that engages audiences and drives action

Standing up for a Sustainable World: Voices of Change

This book was published in 2020 and includes two interesting chapters (55 and 60) the relationship between journalism and sustainability.

Putting Forward Sustainability as a Model for Journalism Education and Training

African journalism practice presents unique opportunities and challenges related to journalistic skills when producing sustainable journalism.

From Traditional Journalism to Sustainable Journalism

Article written by Lars Tallert, for the Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development

The basis for sustainable development, including journalism.

Digital Discussion: What Is Sustainable Journalism And How To Get There?

The Constructive Institute's take on sustainable journalism.